Monthly Archives: August 2022

What comes to mind when you hear ” air pollution”? Many start to imagine billowing smoke stacks pumping charcoal black gas into the air. Well, that’s not entirely true; pollution can be around you, and you wouldn’t even notice. Take your residence as an example where several air pollutants can successfully elude your scrutiny. Pollutants … Continue reading “Worried About Indoor Air Quality? Here Is How You Can Test Indoor Air Quality”


HEPA filters were made to protect workers in nuclear power plants from inhaling radioactive dust. However, soon they made their way to hospitals, and now you are looking one for your home. Hence, before you go out and buy HEPA filters for your residences, let’s discuss a few essentials you need to know about, like … Continue reading “Upgrading To High MERV Or HEPA Filters? Here Is What You Need To Know”

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