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What Is Asbestos And How Does It Contribute To Indoor Pollution

Am I living in a safe indoor environment free from toxins? This is a question you need to ask yourself. Everyone deserves to live in a friendly indoor environment. Therefore, it is vital to understand and maintain our home’s air quality. Read below to find out more on how you can stay safe from asbestos pollution.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber found in rocks and soil. Due to its fiber strength and heat resistance, it is a good insulator and a fire repellent. Asbestos particles do not dissolve in water or evaporate, and that’s why it has been used in building construction materials for many decades. Examples would be thermal insulation for floor and ceiling tiles.
These products are not harmful if they are left alone. However, if a building containing asbestos products is demolished or renovated, tiny asbestos fibers are released into the air. These fibers can stay in the air for a long time before settling down.

Harms Caused By Asbestos

The presence of asbestos particles in the air is detrimental to human health. It is released into the air when disturbed by cutting, sanding, or other remodeling activities. Instead of forming dust particles, it divides into tiny, fine fibers. Nonetheless, a safe level of exposure is not known yet, which is concerning. Therefore, the higher the level of exposure, the greater the chance of developing the asbestos-provoked disease.

Asbestos fibers enter your body when you inhale them, and coughing can remove most of them. Regardless of your coughing intensity, some may get trapped deep into your lungs for a long time. The harmful effects usually show up years after exposure. With time, it also increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Thus, proving how dangerous asbestos can be. It affects our body silently, and we cannot judge how severe the condition is.

How To Steer Clear Of Asbestos?

When asbestos is present in the air, it is hard to identify. The tiny fibers have no odor or taste, so they will not irritate your eyes, throat, or skin. If you know or suspect that you have asbestos at home or in your workplace, avoid any contact. When it is not disturbed, asbestos exposure is minimal. Hire trained and qualified workers for asbestos-related precautions and cleanup. Please do not attempt to do it yourself.

However, asbestos removal is not the only way to reduce the effects of asbestos pollution. Following these preventive measures can protect you from harmful effects:

  • Use doormats and remove your shoes before entering your house.
  • When cleaning your home, use a wet rag instead of a dry one.
  • Keep the windows and doors closed on windy days and during nearby construction.
  • Use HEPA filters to remove asbestos from the air.

Investing in good filters can go along a long way. They help improve your home’s indoor air quality and remove harmful substances such as asbestos from the environment. Looking for a trustful partner to buy filters from? The Clean Liquid System has your back. You can ring us at 713-253-0100 to learn more about how we can help you out.