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Debunking Three Myths About Air Pollution:

Air pollution is becoming more concerning because of its detrimental effect on human health and the environment. Thus, we try our best to limit pollution and mitigate its impact. However, do you know what can soil our efforts for a better environment and well-being? Misinformation and myths. These myths make us put our guard down and ignore the essential aspects of limiting the impact of air pollution. These myths may lead us to undermine the extent of air pollution in certain areas. Hence, let’s begin our crackdown and debunk three myths about air pollution.

Indoor Air Is Much Cleaner Than The Outdoor:

Billowing smokestacks and engines spewing pollutants are impacting the outdoors of your residence. Yes, but does that make the indoor air quality better? That might not always be the case. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that air quality inside could be 2-5x worse than outside, based on their studies assessing indoor concentrations of airborne chemicals.

The recycling rate of air significantly controls an area’s air quality, and that is how often a fresh one replaces old polluted air. Moreover, the number of pollution sources in an area also plays a pivotal role. The IAQ will plummet if a residence fails to perform on these parameters. Sources of indoor air pollutants are as follows:

  • Ashes and smoke from cigarettes.
  • ‌Molds growth due to lack of cleanliness and humidity.
  • Volatile compounds produced by the use of consumer products.

You can improve the quality by cutting down the sources, opting for better air filters, and better ventilation.

Air Pollution Is Always Visible:

Black smoke out of a car or smog is the form of air pollution that we can see. However, we also have to battle against some invisible enemies. These pollutants may not be visible because of their microscopic size, but they are an equal threat. These invisible threats come in various shapes and forms; some of the common ones are:

Biological pollutants: Mold spores and tiny pollen particles are common particles you can’t see. However, they are the basis of allergies.

Gases: Many environmental gases are not visible, with a few distinct smells. Therefore, it’s hard to identify them. Gases such as carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and ozone are common byproducts of our day-to-day activity, with each having a varying impact on our health.

Microscopic And Airborne Residual Compounds: Compounds such as formaldehyde, carbon, and lead are invisible pollutants from whose presence our health has to suffer.

The Air Quality Of Natural Areas Is Better Than That Of Cities:

The fresh countryside air may not be fresh enough for our liking. Some natural areas have pollution comparable to that of the cities. This is because pollution may drift quickly out of cities but get stuck between the mountain ranges in scenic locations. As a result, pollution may accumulate, deteriorating the air quality in that area.

While as a nation, we all try to curb air pollution sources and look for a renewable approach, you can safeguard your household using better filters from the Clean Liquid System. Ring us at 713-253-0100 to learn more about how we can help.