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How Can You Minimize The Effect Of Passive Smoking In Your Residence?

Smoking is bad for your health, but it’s also quite pernicious for those you love. This is because of the phenomenon of passive smoking. Passive smoking occurs when a non-smoker inhales the secondhand smoke given off by the burning cigarette or exhaled by the smoker. Smoke coming off from the cigarette is way more harmful than that exhaled by the smoker. Nonetheless, both can cause nasty long-term side effects such as cancer. However, quitting smoking is often the best way to stave off passive smoking, but it’s a long haul. Let’s learn how air filters can help you cleanse your home’s environment of cigarette smoke.

The Adverse Effects Of Passive Smoking:

Before we move on with the role of air filters, let’s learn about some adverse effects, so you know what’s at stake. First of all, passive smoking can increase the risk of respiratory illness in adults and kids. This includes asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Secondly, passive smoking can build up into long-term cardiac and respiratory illnesses. Therefore, passive smoking can set you up for lung cancer, heart illness, and stroke. Now, as we discussed earlier, the best way to go is to quit smoking altogether. However, while you tread down that long path, here is how air filters help you with cigarette smoke.

The Use Of HEPA Filters:

The scientist created these filters to protect themselves from radioactive dust. Thus, real HEPA filters have an amazing filter capacity of 99%, filtering particulates down to 0.3 microns. The majority of smoke particles are above 0.3 microns, so HEPA filters have no problem removing them from the air. However, particles that are smaller than 0.3 microns are a problem as they can elude these filters. Regardless of fine particles, HEPA can filter out the majority of particles in cigarette smoke.

With smoke particles out of the equation, we still have something left behind that poses a significant threat. These are volatile organic compounds, and they are in the form of vapors, so they can easily evade HEPA filters. We need an absorbent that can absorb them, so active carbon can serve this purpose very well.

Activated Carbon And Cigarette Smoke:

Activated carbon is heat-treated or subjected to chemical treatment. This makes carbon more porous, enabling it to carry a large surface area. A spoonful of activated carbon has a surface area comparable to a football field. However, enough with the surface area discussion, activated carbon can remove odors and absorb VOCs.

The Takeaway:

Filters we discussed can easily purify your air from the majority of the smoke. However, it cannot deal with particles that have settled on surfaces. Thus, stirring them will launch them in the air, risking inhalation before they get filtered out. Therefore, try to avoid smoking in your home and cars. To know how air filters can help out with cigarette smoke, you can contact Clean Liquid at 713-253-0100. We welcome your inquiries and will try our best to resolve your issues.